Tag: body confidence

3 Weeks Later

3 Weeks Later

I still hurt. I had hoped I wouldn't be saying that at this point. But the truth is, it hurts. Not the sort of hurt which requires painkillers anymore (I couldn't wait to be rid of them) but the sort of uncomfortable that makes you really really bloody grumpy.  And the itching.  Oh the itching.  … Continue reading 3 Weeks Later

The Elephant In The Room

The Elephant In The Room

"When's the baby due?" "Pardon?" "When's the baby due?" (usually said whilst pointing at my tummy) "Oh no, I'm not pregnant. This is the baby" (as I point to my 10-month old daughter who is the size of an 18-month old and has the hair of a 4-year old) And then I spend the next … Continue reading The Elephant In The Room